
MUSKOKA TRANSMISSION SUPPLY is an innovative company leading the way in which retail, DIY and wholesale customers buy domestic vehicle automotive transmission and drivetrain parts, including all components and accessories -  from remanufactured units to rebuilding and repair parts.

    With 1 CALL to our TOLL FREE PERSONAL CUSTOMER CARE Number - 877-463-4063 YOU CAN...


Directly with a “hands on” experienced and licensed transmission and torque converter specialist - (not a salesperson also trying to sell tires, engine oil, and promotional hats)


Any questions about any part or component and get the right answer - (no redirect to a promotional product description and "check for fitment" menu)


A qualified opinion and alternative solutions in choosing the best course of action to solve your transmission and drivetrain issue - (no endless and confusing website or forum chat room searches)


By having the peace of mind that you received the RIGHT INFORMATION and the RIGHT PRODUCT at the  BEST POSSIBLE PRICE - (no guesswork and hoping your are buying the right product)


35+ years of experience in the automotive transmission repair and remanufacturing industry tells us one size does not fit all when it comes to repairing the transmission and drivetrain system in your vehicle. There are many variables in actual needs, wants and budgets that should not be addressed without a one-on-one conversation with an expert in the field.

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23rd July